Abstract: Discussion of IoT without 5G technology is an oxymoron. And provision of 5G without IoT like applications is an overkill. Selling IoT applications without 5G is like driving a Ferrari on a footpath. The convergence of computer and communication technologies gave birth to many new and spectacular killer applications. It gave rise to compensating scarcity of spectrum by enhancing bandwidth, speed, and channel in the network. In the current state-of-the art packet switching and circuit switching have been overwhelmed by congnitive radio and software defined radio. Now the technological revolution has evolved from radio wave to microwave to now mm wave. And this made it possible that H2H communication will now be taken over by M2M communication. Alexas and Sophias may take the driving seat in the future of civilization.
Speaker: Anil K. Roy
Venue: Madan Mohan Malviya Technology University, Gorakhpur, UP
Bio: Dr. Anil Roy, a faculty of DA-IICT, Gandhinagar is an alumnus of IIT Delhi and IIT Roorkee. He worked at Centre for Theoretical Studies at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during 1993-94 followed by the Optical Fiber group at IIT Delhi till 1996. His main academic interest areas are sensors, image processing, fiber optics, semiconductor physics, applications of technologies for humanitarian challenges. He is a senior member of IEEE. He is actively associated with IEEE’s initiative on IoT and Smart City and an AdCom member of IEEE Sensors Council. He has been involved in various efforts of spreading awareness about cyber security among students, parents and professionals as well. Dr. Roy was the General Chair of IEEE INDICON 2009, was the General co-Chair of the IEEE Conference on Technologies for Humanitarian Challenges 2009 & IEEE R10 International Spring Conference, TenSymp 2015. He was the Publications co-Chair of International Symposium for Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2017. He is the General co-Chair of IEEE SENSORS 2018 which is being held during 28-31 Oct, 2018 in Delhi. Dr. Roy is the recipient of 2017 IEEE Sensors Council Meritorious Service Award, 2012 IEEE MGA Leadership Award, 2010 IEEE Region 10 Outstanding Volunteer Award, and 2007 IEEE Region 10 Outstanding Counselor Award. Dr. Roy is also a member of Optical Society of America. He is engaged with IEEE Standards Association to prepare a white paper on Smart City.